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In 1792, London, Canada was selected as the proposed capital for Canada West (Upper Canada), situated at the confluence of the Thames River. However, this plan did not come to fruition. The establishment of the settlement commenced in 1826, leading to London's official incorporation as a city in 1855 [BRITONICA,1977]



Stepping into the lively city of London, Canada, I could feel the excitement in the air. It marked the beginning of a two-week vacation with my family – Zaram, Odira, Mom, and Dad - and we were all buzzing with anticipation.

Our first destination was Montex, a charming restaurant nestled on a bustling street corner. The scent of spices and herbs filled the air as we walked in, and the friendly staff greeted us with warm smiles. The walls were adorned with pictures that depicted the rich history of London, from its establishment in 1826 to its transformation into a thriving centre of culture and commerce.

Every day brought new adventures as we explored the city's unique blend of historical landmarks and modern attractions. We leisurely walked along the Thames River, marveling at how it had gracefully flowed through the city for centuries, just as it did when Indigenous peoples thrived along its banks.

Zaram was captivated by the architecture, Odira couldn't get enough of the local markets, and I found solace in the vibrant arts scene. Over meals at Montex, Mom and Dad would often reminisce about their own childhoods, sharing stories that added depth to our experience.

As our vacation came to an end, I realized that London had become an integral part of our family's story, leaving us with more than just memories. We departed with hearts full of gratitude and a promise to return to this city that had embraced us like long-lost friends.












The Museum of Ontario Archaeology in London, Canada, serves as a testament to the rich history that has shaped the land. When my family and I entered, we were transported back in time, immersing ourselves in the vibrant cultures of the Indigenous peoples who have inhabited this region for thousands of years.


Zaram was fascinated by the ancient tools and weapons, marveling at their intricate craftsmanship. Odira was captivated by the pottery, tracing her fingers over patterns that told stories of long-forgotten daily life. I, on the other hand, found myself drawn to the traditional attire on display, each piece a vivid representation of ceremonies and celebrations.

Mom and Dad, especially my dad became engrossed in the archaeological findings, gaining insight into how these early inhabitants interacted with their surroundings. The highlight of the museum was undoubtedly the meticulously reconstructed longhouse, where we sat and listened to a guide recount legends passed down through generations. The scent of cedar and earth enveloped us, transporting us to a time long gone.

As we left the longhouse, the modern cityscape of London felt distant, yet connected to the unbroken line of history we had just witnessed. Our visit to the museum was more than just an educational experience; it was a journey of discovery that brought our family closer together.

We departed with a newfound appreciation for the stories embedded in the land and for the people who work tirelessly to preserve them. The Museum of Ontario Archaeology had given us more than just knowledge; it had given us a sense of belonging to the vast narrative of humanity.



We spent our two-week holiday in London, Canada, and decided to visit Port Stanley beach for some tranquility before our vacation came to an end. The golden sands stretched out before us, illuminated by the hues of the setting sun, creating a picturesque scene

From the moment we arrived, the beach became our sanctuary. The gentle lapping of Lake Erie's waves against the shore provided a soothing symphony that eased our weary souls from the bustling city life. Odira found solace in his sketches, capturing the beauty of our surroundings with swift strokes of his pencil. I, being a lover of storytelling, drew inspiration from the seagulls that gracefully danced above us, weaving tales in my mind.

Dad watched us with tender eyes, his laughter blending with ours as we built sandcastles and chased the horizon. Unfortunately, our mother couldn't join us as she wasn't feeling well, and my sister couldn't make it either as she had responsibilities to attend to.

As each evening arrived, the sky transformed into a tapestry of fiery oranges and pinks, creating a breathtaking backdrop for our reflections. We would gather on the beach, sharing stories of our past and dreams for the future, strengthening the bonds within our family.

As our holiday drew to a close, we realized that Port Stanley had become more than just a destination; it had become an integral part of our journey together. With sand in our shoes and joy in our hearts, we bid farewell to the beach, knowing that it would forever hold a special place in our memories.

London, Canada had provided us with a perfect blend of vibrant city life and serene beaches, leaving us with a treasure trove of cherished moments. As we said goodbye to Port Stanley beach, we made a promise to return, knowing that it was not truly a farewell, but rather a temporary goodbye.


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